Topic: Statement of Accounts Shows Settled Items
I am using 2.3.15.
When I generate a Statement of Accounts, it shows this for a customer:
Tax Invoice 164 20/09/2010 20/09/2010 243.05 243.05 0.00
Tax Invoice 234 25/01/2012 01/02/2012 305.65 305.65 0.00
Tax Invoice 286 02/04/2013 09/04/2013 1,430.00 0.00 1,430.00
Tax Invoice 290 30/04/2013 07/05/2013 1,430.00 0.00 1,430.00
The first two items are fully allocated and settled, but it still shows up on the statement of accounts? When I view the order, it shows everything as delivered. Only the bottom two items should be showing?
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.