Topic: Edit Login window


I need to edit the login window so as it does not display the Company Name/s . I want to hide this informatiom from Hackers. Which file should I edit ?



Re: Edit Login window


Re: Edit Login window

In the config.php file, set:

$text_company_selection  = true;

Re: Edit Login window

Version 2.3.9 Build 24.11.2011 Theme: Default

Thanks for the suggestions. This works fine for me, but will not survive an upgrade of course.


Line 99 or thereabouts
Backspace out "name" , leaving only ""
echo "<option value=$i ".($i==$coy ? 'selected':'') .">" . $db_connections[$i][""] . "</option>";

I have also added an .htaccess file to  the main folder that whitelists only authorised users IP's

Hopefully this will block all unwanted access to the accounting system.

