Topic: Function needs Object

Hi all!

I am writing a module which integrates Frontaccounting with Virtuemart. For this I want to call the function "add_stock_adjustment" (defined in "/inventory/includes/db/"). But this function needs the variable "$item". Normally this variable looks like the following:

                            [line_items] => Array
                                    [0] => line_item Object
                                            [stock_id] => 000013
                                            [item_description] => ketting Sono Ovaal
                                            [units] => st
                                            [mb_flag] => B
                                            [quantity] => 5
                                            [price] => 0
                                            [standard_cost] => 55


I am not able to generate this seamless simple array / Object.....

How can I generate this array / Object?

Re: Function needs Object

Please use the SimpleAPIModule.

Re: Function needs Object

Yeah... just found it, one hour ago... smile
