Topic: import multiple journals

so installed, uninstalled and tried back and forth but all I get is this error:

Cannot open the extension setup file '../company/4/installed_extensions.php' for writing.

but there is no SQL to add in the folders... anywhere I can download the zip? to check it's the same

Re: import multiple journals

strange I just copied company 3 and placed it in company 4 and made it 777 weird...

Re: import multiple journals

quicker question... where in the menu is it meant to come up haha

Re: import multiple journals

yep can't find it. I have highly custom so maybe it's hidden somewhere. (the link that is)

Re: import multiple journals

You have to activate the extension for every company you want to use it. Prbably you haven't done it.
The link comes in GL menu.

Re: import multiple journals

yep got it now but... the link goes to page not found.

the /import_multijournalentries.php seems to be there in the files

Re: import multiple journals


full link it gives

Re: import multiple journals

I'm not sure what you mean. Just installed the module from repo, and menu link points to right file.