Topic: Set a different background color


I've set up a training copy of the live accounts and would like it to have a very different background colour.  This is so that people using the training version will not forget that they are on the training copy.

If there is any other way to make the copy look distinct from the live copy I would appreciate any pointers.


Kevin B

Re: Set a different background color

you can copy the default theme, located in the themes folder. Copy the folder and rename it to something like "training". In the  copied folder changes in the css file the color you like. Upload the "training" folder to the themes folder.

Now for users in the training company, set as theme "training". In other companies the default view is displayed with a normal background. In the training company the training theme is displayed with your adjusted background.

Re: Set a different background color

Thanks for the reply.

Is there anyway to set the theme from the command line?


Kevin B

Re: Set a different background color

I'd like to copy the live copy to the training copy every night via cron.

What I've done is to add

sed -i 's/285b86/ff0000/g' /home/frontacc2/public_html/themes/default/default.css

to the script which makes the copy.

I've added the script to the wiki - it's at the end of:

Re: Set a different background color

I'm curious, what is the aim in nightly removal of any daily changes done in php source code?


Re: Set a different background color

Basically, the copy from live to training is a complete copy of the web application - source code and database.

This means we can set the training copy up as a separate vhost i.e. and which makes it easier for the users.

It also means that I'm more confident about the backups working - since the training copy is built up from the backup files it means they work.  This means it is easier for us to get extra copies set up on our secondary server.

BTW - the change to the background works really well.  It makes it very clear for the users which copy they are on - and in fact we already refer to 'Try it out on the red copy first' when we come up against something we're not sure how to enter.

Re: Set a different background color

The company/# folder may have changes and hence duplication may be in order.

Use OpenVZ Virtual Machines and synch the db and rsync the company folder - no need to change the company # as well and the db backup will be restored faithfully on the training VM.

Re: Set a different background color

Ok, I understand. Thanks for explanation.