Topic: Enter another customer payment


There is a bug in enter customer payment form. Once you have updated customer payment and then when you select "Enter another customer payment", the same customer comes up but with empty list. Even the customer has more than one outstanding invoice, it doesn't show. It only shows after you have changed to another customer and then choose the same one again. Basically the page is not being refreshed after updating a payment then going for another payment for the same customer.

Re: Enter another customer payment

You are right, (it's kind of new, I think it came up with 2.13 or 2.12) and it's really annyoing.


Re: Enter another customer payment

I will have a look at this.


Re: Enter another customer payment

We are investigating this further. There are some side-effects by doing it. Sorry.


Re: Enter another customer payment

Hi Joe

The payment to suppliers is working fine. If possible we need customer payment exactly the same.


Re: Enter another customer payment

Janusz is going to look at this today smile


Re: Enter another customer payment

This has now been fixed. HG repository updated.

You can download the file here. Rename it to customer_payments.php. Replace it in /sales folder.


Post's attachments

customer_payments.php1 13.7 kb, 5 downloads since 2013-03-15 

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Re: Enter another customer payment

Hi Joe

It's working fine now.
