Topic: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

I have notice that when i am using a  dynamic IP from my internet provider, FA stops working from time to time.
Since i changed to a fixed IP i never experience this issue again. Could it be when the IP is being renewed (every 6 hours) by the provider that the current data i am working are lost ?
or am i just dreaming ?
Plz advise

2 (edited by chrison 03/07/2013 04:27:23 pm)

Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

If you're in the middle of a transaction and haven't posted it, and for any reason you lose your connection to FA such that you have to start over, then yes the current data for that transaction will be lost.  One thing you can try, though, is to use the "back" button in your browser to get back to the page you were one and try refreshing it.  That may re-insert your data into the fields from your browser's cache.  It may not, too, though, so there's no guarantees.

Having said that, I'm unclear why FA running on a server using a dynamic IP would drop the connection?  The ISP's DNS server should always properly resolve the URL to the proper IP address, even if it changes.  Sounds to me like there's an issue with your ISP's DNS server.  What specific error message are you getting when the connection drops?  Are you sure it's a DNS problem and not a web server (apache or whatever) problem?

Hope that helps...



Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

The session will be lost if IP changes in the client and / or host.

Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

Okay, apmuthu, you have much more knowledge about the workings of FA than I do so I'll bow to your superior knowledge.  smile  But it still seems to me that the ISP's DNS should properly resolve the URL to the correct IP address even though it's changed.  Guess I'm wrong, though....  not the first time!  LOL!  smile


Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

If the client PC is connected to one IP at the ISP and when that IP changes, chances are that the ISP knows where to send the DNS requests and the client PC may have the external DNS cached to the extent of it's current use (WinXP - ipconfig /flushdns). But the FA Server expects the current session to be mapped to the original IP and construes a change in client IP as an intrusion of sorts and terminates the session.

Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

Okay, that explains it nicely.  Thanks!


Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

Thanks for this light, so now the question is : Can we change the authentication process in FA from session to cookies to avoid this "breaks" when the IP is changed ?
Maybe this can be set in a config file...

Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

Stolen cookies in a financial package wouldn't augur well.

Besides, the session holds a lot of form, state and authentication data that the server needs control and knowledge of and a broken browser session will put in an unknown state confusing and confounding FA. Best to break the session and start afresh.

Yes, tough when a lot of data is held in the session and the IP goes fishing!

Re: dynamic IP vs Fixed Ip

yes, you are right. At least, the sky is clear for me. Tx for your reply.