Topic: Template invoice

When using the template invoice function, the text entered in the template order's comment field is not entered automatically in the comment field of the invoice. In a previous version of FA (now using 2.3.15) it did work ( i think something near version 2.3.10 ??)

Please can this be setup again?

Re: Template invoice

Hello erwindebruin,

Yes you are right. I cannot recall why this was changed, but this is now fixed.
Download sales_order_entry.php1 and rename it to sales_order_entry.php and replace the file on your server.

Thanks for pointing out this.

HG repository updated.


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sales_order_entry.php1 26 kb, 7 downloads since 2013-03-05 

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Re: Template invoice

Thnx Joe, that works perfectly ou!

But now I see another possible error:

In the view [sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php?InvoiceTemplates=Yes] all orders with the "template" function marked, are displayed. In the "Cust Order Ref" column the "Comments text" is displayed. I think the "Cust Order Ref" must be displayed here like in [sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php].

Seems to be when using the invoice template function (also when using the delivery template function) the COMMENTS field is displayed in the CUST ORDER REF field instead of the CUST ORDER REF.

Please can you check this?


Re: Template invoice

Yes another minor bug here. It was the wrong column that was replaces. It should have been the Cust Order Ref that should have been replaced instead of the Branch.
The Cust Order Ref should be Description when showing delivery and invoice templates. So the content is ok.

Download search_orders_view.php1 and rename it to search_orders_view.php. Then replace it in /sales/inquiry folder.


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sales_orders_view.php1 9.8 kb, 3 downloads since 2013-03-07 

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Re: Template invoice

Hi Joe

I wrote a note in memo in direct purchase invoice but I can't see memo in view supplier invoice. Is that a bug?


Re: Template invoice

This is in the wrong forum. Should be in Accounts Payable. However I will have a look.


Re: Template invoice

HG Changeset 3200 fixes this. Thanks Joe.

Re: Template invoice

joe wrote:

Yes another minor bug here. It was the wrong column that was replaces. It should have been the Cust Order Ref that should have been replaced instead of the Branch.
The Cust Order Ref should be Description when showing delivery and invoice templates. So the content is ok.

Download search_orders_view.php1 and rename it to search_orders_view.php. Then replace it in /sales/inquiry folder.


Thnx Joe, this works!