1 (edited by arad85 02/28/2013 07:07:39 pm)

Topic: Navigating away from a purchase entry should give a warning

Hello all,

When you are in any of the purchase screens and you have entered in any data on the page, the system should give you a warning before you move away that the entry will be cancelled. The sales tab does this.

To reproduce, enter a purchase order, add some items and navigate away. The system does this immediately and loses the order. Do the same on a sales order and a popup appears with the text:

Entered data has not been saved yet.
Do you want to abandon changes?

This really should be on any page that has the chance of significant data entry. Reproduced on 2.3.15 and multiple themes.

Re: Navigating away from a purchase entry should give a warning

Yes, you are right. This make sense in forms which can contain many entered data lines, and unexpected abandoning would result in wasting time. PO or Direct Invoice is good preposition for this.

Re: Navigating away from a purchase entry should give a warning

itronics wrote:

Yes, you are right. This make sense in forms which can contain many entered data lines

There were some very rude words being spoken by Ms arad85 last night when she lost about an hours work (we are just getting used to the system) by navigating away from a purchase order page!

Do you need me to enter a bug report for this?

Re: Navigating away from a purchase entry should give a warning

Generally it is not advisable to work under any application without saving your work by hours, but surelly I understand your iritation.
Yes, please make the report for this issue on Mantis.

5 (edited by arad85 03/02/2013 07:49:01 pm)

Re: Navigating away from a purchase entry should give a warning

itronics wrote:

Generally it is not advisable to work under any application without saving your work by hours, but surelly I understand your iritation.
Yes, please make the report for this issue on Mantis.

It was more getting used to the system (it was only 20 or so lines, but had taken her a while to put in). 2104 entered: http://mantis.frontaccounting.com/view.php?id=2104