Hi old_guy,
In order to insert products into FA. You may refer to the table stock_master. For stock category, you may refer to stock_category.
Below are my sample code that I created to synchronize the item in FA. If you need to use it, you need to change the parameter values in the array Object. I have hardcoded for my testing.
$objInfo = array();
//Array Information
$objInfo['units'] = 'Each';
$objInfo['units_of_measure'] = '0';
$objInfo['tax_type'] = '0';
$objInfo['qty'] = '1';
$objInfo['mb_flag'] = 'B';
$objInfo['sales_act'] = '';
$objInfo['cogs_act'] = '';
$objInfo['inventory_account'] = '';
$objInfo['adjustment_account'] = '';
$objInfo['assembly_account'] = '';
$objInfo['dim1'] = '';
$objInfo['dim2'] = '';
$objInfo['actual_cost'] = '0';
$objInfo['last_cost'] = '0';
$objInfo['labour_cost'] = '0';
$objInfo['overhead_cost'] = '0';
$objInfo['no_sale'] = '0';
$objInfo['editable'] = '0';
//Set information
$objInfo['stock_id'] = '123';
$objInfo['description'] = 'abc';
$objInfo['long_description'] = 'this is a description of the item';
$objInfo['category'] = 'productcategory';
$objInfo['material_cost'] = '100.00';
$objInfo['price'] = '150.00'
$objInfo['reorder_level'] = '10';
//FA Active Record = 0 and InActive = 1
$objInfo['inactive'] = '0'
Method name: syncItem
* To Sync Item
* $arrObj - Item Array Object
* $return - Item ID
function syncItem($arrObj) {
global $log;
$selected_id = '';
$category_id = '';
$item_unit_id = '';
//Retrieve Item Units
$sql = "SELECT abbr FROM ".TB_PREF."item_units WHERE UPPER(name) = UPPER(" . db_escape($arrObj['units']) .")";
$result = db_query($sql, "Unable to find units");
$row = db_fetch_row($result);
if (!$row) {
write_item_unit('', strtolower($arrObj['units']), $arrObj['units'], $arrObj['units_of_measure']);
$item_unit_id = strtolower($arrObj['units']);
} else {
$item_unit_id = $row[0];
//Retrieve Category Id
$sqlCategory = "SELECT category_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_category WHERE description LIKE " . db_escape(stripslashes(trim($arrObj['category'])));
$resultCategory = db_query($sqlCategory, "could not get stock category");
$rowCategory = db_fetch_row($resultCategory);
if (!$rowCategory) { //If category not exist, add new category
add_item_category($arrObj['category'],$arrObj['tax_type'], $arrObj['sales_act'],
$arrObj['cogs_act'], $arrObj['inventory_account'], $arrObj['adjustment_account'], $arrObj['assembly_account'],
$item_unit_id, $arrObj['mb_flag'], $arrObj['dim1'], $arrObj['dim2'], $arrObj['no_sale']);
$category_id = db_insert_id();
} else {
$category_id = $rowCategory[0];
//Query Stock ID
$sql = "SELECT a.stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master a WHERE (a.stock_id = " . db_escape($arrObj['stock_id']) . " || a.description = " . db_escape($arrObj['description']) . ")";
$result = db_query($sql, "stock item could not be retreived");
$row = db_fetch_row($result);
//Default to returning ID
$selected_id = $arrObj['stock_id'];
//Retrieve the default currency
$currency_code = get_company_pref('curr_default');
//Insert or update Item
if (!$row) {
add_item($arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['description'],
$arrObj['long_description'], $category_id, $arrObj['tax_type'],
$item_unit_id, $arrObj['mb_flag'], $arrObj['sales_act'],
$arrObj['inventory_account'], $arrObj['cogs_act'],
$arrObj['adjustment_account'], $arrObj['assembly_account'],
$arrObj['dim1'], $arrObj['dim2'],$arrObj['no_sale'],$arrObj['editable']);
} else {
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET long_description=".db_escape($arrObj['long_description']).",
mb_flag=".db_escape($arrObj['mb_flag']) . " WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($arrObj['stock_id']);
db_query($sql, "The item could not be updated");
update_item_code(-1, $arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['description'], $category_id, $arrObj['qty']);
if (isset($arrObj['currency_code'])) {
$currency_code = $arrObj['currency_code'];
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."prices SET curr_abrev=".db_escape($currency_code).",
price=".db_escape($arrObj['price'])." WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($arrObj['stock_id']);
db_query($sql,"an item price could not be updated");
//Update Item Codes
$sql = "SELECT id from ".TB_PREF."item_codes WHERE item_code=" . db_escape($arrObj['stock_id']) . " || stock_id = " . db_escape($arrObj['stock_id']);
$result = db_query($sql, "item code could not be retreived");
$row = db_fetch_row($result);
if (!$row) {
add_item_code($arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['description'], $category_id, $arrObj['qty']);
} else {
update_item_code($row[0], $arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['stock_id'], $arrObj['description'], $category_id, $arrObj['qty']);
return $selected_id;