Topic: New Custom Reports

Hi, we have made acouple of reports based on some standard reports and we have managed to install them and working.

I've been searching for an instruction how to install custom reports correctly, but I have not found instructions.

Do you have any Wiki/doc's?

Re: New Custom Reports

No, I guess not, but please, Gunnar, do a contribution on the Wiki. It would certainly be appreciated.


Re: New Custom Reports

Place the custom reports in the company/#/reporting folder to survive upgrades and be specific to the company!

Re: New Custom Reports

We installed the reports in the Module folder - works fine with all companies.

Re: New Custom Reports

One more quick question, how do we translate the custom reports?

Re: New Custom Reports

If you have developed the additional reports as a module, you can see how it is done in a couple of repo packages e.g. requisitions or Asset Register. Generaly transaltions are put inside module, and you have to use set_ext_domain('modules/some_module_name'); call at the top of translated file.


Re: New Custom Reports

Thank's, great smile