Topic: manual entry for vat per Items in purches order entry

I want to add same Item during generating perches order but one is with vat and other is without vat so that i want editable or manual entry for vat for each item.Is it possible for anybody? Please help me!!!!!!!!!!
thanks in advance!


Re: manual entry for vat per Items in purches order entry

One of the developers can tell you if it's possible and, if so, how to do it.  If not, and if you're only dealing with a few items, I suppose you could set-up separate items for VAT and non-VAT, but that's a kludge and won't work if you're talking about a lot of items.

Btw, have you reviewed the Tax System section on the Wiki?  Maybe that will give you some help?

Hope I'm being helpful here...



Re: manual entry for vat per Items in purches order entry

FrontAccounting is designed after usual model implemented by all fiscal systems known to FA developers. This model does not allow to use on invoice tax rates according to taxpayer wishes, but the tax calculated is dependent either on item tax category, customer tax group or both. So, I guess you will not find proper solution to your problem inside FA.