Topic: Stock Movement Report Not Working

I ran into another problem today...  the Stock Movement report isn't working.  If I do an Inventory Movement Inquiry from the Items & Inventory screen, I can see the stock movements.  But, when I run the Stock Movement report from the Reports & Analysis screen absolutely nothing happens when I click Display: Stock Movement.  No error messages, no PDF viewer popup, nothing.

Any ideas how to fix this, please?




Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

I don't recognize the report you mention. Is this a Custom Report from Extensions?


Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

Yes, it's the "rep_stock_movement" extension (version 2.3.4-1) by Chaitanya-India.

Since it's an extension, just for giggles I uninstalled and re-installed it, and now it's not showing up on the Reports & Analysis screen.  It's late, so I'm going to go to bed and try again tomorrow.

Thanks for your help!



Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

After a bit of sleep....

Okay, I checked and when I install the extension it creates the directory modules/rep_stock_movement but it doesn't add the report to reporting/reports_main.php.  I tried to manually add this to reports_main.php:

$reports->addReport(RC_INVENTORY,"_stock_movement",_('Stock &Movement Report'),
    array(    _('Inventory Category') => 'CATEGORIES',
            _('Location') => 'LOCATIONS',
            _('From Date') => 'DATE',
            _('To Date') => 'DATE',
            _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
            _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));                

That adds the report to the Reports and Analysis screen.  I can now bring up the report but when I click on Display: Stock Movement Report I get this error:  Cannot find report file '_stock_movement'.

What am I doing wrong?




Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

You have to activate the installed extension for every company you like to use it in.  Go to 'Install/Activate Extension' select your company in top selector and activate the report extension.


Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

itronics wrote:

You have to activate the installed extension for every company you like to use it in.  Go to 'Install/Activate Extension' select your company in top selector and activate the report extension.

DOH!!!  I hadn't done that...  silly me!  (BLUSH!)

Okay, now the report appears in the list on the Inventory Reports & Analysis page but, again, when I try and run it nothing happens.  No error message, no PDF viewer (not even a blank one, nothing.  I tried various combinations of date ranges and inventory category filters (including no filter), and still nothing happens.

Any ideas where to go from here?




Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working


This report, Inventory Movements (stock movements), has now been included in FrontAccounting Core.

Please download the files rep307.php1 and reports_main.php1, rename the files to rep307.php and reports_main.php and replace the existing files in /reporting/rep307.php (new) and reports_main.php.


Post's attachments

rep307.php1 5.5 kb, 2 downloads since 2013-01-24 

reports_main.php1 17.8 kb, 3 downloads since 2013-01-24 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

hi sir,
        I also get the same msg like"There are no purchasable inventory items defined in the system." can you tell me appropriate solution?
         hope you will reply me as early as possible.

Thank you in advance!!!!!!!

Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

Works for me, Joe.  Thanks!



Re: Stock Movement Report Not Working

HG Changeset 3159 introduced the new report. Purchasable Items must be defined first.