Topic: Traditional Chinese ...
Hi, all:
I transfer my language ( Traditional Chinese) and about 55% not finish. When I finish, I'm planning post here.
But I didn't know how to do? Can tell me? thx!
And is there someone use Traditonal Chinese ? I have some problem about utf8 and utf-8?
I use poedit.exe in win. When I set utf-8, save it. I get Then put it to \lang\zh_TW\LC_MESSAGES. Login in and I can't view. When I chang char to big5, it's OK.
So, I use other way. When I set utf8, save it. I get Then put it to \lang\zh_TW\LC_MESSAGES. Login in and I can view correct.
But I use other languget set (ex:ar_EG, Arabic,Egypt,UTF-8), it's OK.
So, I confuse about utf8 and utf-8. What's differnent between utf8 and utf-8?
Thank you to help me!