Analysing what and how to backport from Unstable 2.4 to Stable 2.3.13 Mer Build 3141:
Copy over reporting/includes/ from Unstable to Stable
Others can be backported directly for orientation:
101 - 106, 114, 201-204, 301-306, 401, 501, 701, 704-710
rep 107, 110 & 113 (can backport block of logic), must exclude new FA 2.4 field while backporting
rep 108, 109, 111, 409 block of logic can be backported with / without orientation
rep 112 backport with removal of inline deprecated function (3027 mer build done in unstable) with / without orientation
rep 209 - beware that get_tax_for_items() function has changed due to new tax_algorithm field in 2 tables.
rep 210 - backport with removal of inline deprecated function get_allocations_for_remittance() (3027 mer build done in unstable) with / without orientation
rep 601 - only beware of new fa 2.4 function get_counterparty_name in includes/ used instead of older function payment_person_name which is still available
rep 702 - only beware of new fa 2.4 function get_subaccount_name() in gl/includes/db/ used instead of older function payment_person_name
function payment_person_name from includes/ used in reports 601, 702 and 704 (in 602 [copy of 601 with reconcile] and 704 in unstable as well)
function get_subaccount_name() [rep 702] and is_subledger_account() in FA 2.4 in gl/includes/db/