1 (edited by apmuthu 01/17/2013 09:31:23 am)

Topic: FA Unstable v2.4 - uses deprecated ereg()

Whilst the stable v2.3.x code seems to have been following the PHP 5.3 standards in some places, the Unstable v2.4 seems to be lagging - example the file:
Line 3121 reporting/includes/Workbook.php:

if (ereg("^\"[^\"]{0,255}\"$", $this->_current_token)) {

should follow the stable version and be:

if (preg_match("/^\"[^\"]{0,255}\"$/", $this->_current_token)) {

The above is the only instance of the leftover ereg function.

Re: FA Unstable v2.4 - uses deprecated ereg()

Thanks Joe, Mercurial Changeset 3143 fixed it.