Topic: Can start Frontaccounting after installation...


I've just installed Frontaccounting, ver2.3.13 without any problem.

When I've launched Frontaccounting on my website page, I've received following message :

Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params() in file: /homez.184/wellprog/www/facc/includes/ at
line 24

I've set $go_debug to 1, I didn't receive different message
I've try to login anyway with my admin code, I've received following message :

Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in /homez.184/wellprog/www/facc/includes/ on line 191

Thank for your help

Re: Can start Frontaccounting after installation...

Looks like the said function is disabled in your php.ini - contact your system admin or see if your apache httpd.conf / .htaccess can be configured to allow it.

Please use the latest version of FA from the development repository if you are starting anew as many bugs have been fixed and not released as yet.


Check out the release post.