1 (edited by MacPhotoBiker 11/08/2012 01:18:01 am)

Topic: Prices on Delivery Notes?


usually prices should not be shown on delivery notes, I have several customers who will certainly not accept this, because prices are considered confidential information, not to be shared with delivery companies and non-accounting staff.

What would I need to do in order to remove all pricing information?
(I just saw that for example the picking slip does not show prices, which is good).

Is there a way to modify the layout of the documents, so picking lists and delivery notes would not even show any header related to the pricing?

As a "nice to have option", it would be great if instead the weight could be maintained per product, and shown on the delivery notes

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Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

The only way to hide prices is to use the print-out-center and select the 'Don't show prices'.


Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

I hae done a little modification on the file to turn all prices to 0.00.

open file /reporting/rep110.php

comment out the followings by adding 2 slashes:
//$Net = round2(((1 - $myrow2["discount_percent"]) * $myrow2["unit_price"] * $myrow2["quantity"]),
// user_price_dec());
//$SubTotal += $Net;
//$DisplayPrice = number_format2($myrow2["unit_price"],$dec);

add:                 $DisplayPrice = "0.00";

comment out the following:
/*$DisplayTotal = number_format2($myrow["ov_freight"] +$myrow["ov_freight_tax"] + $myrow["ov_gst"] +

add:  $DisplayTotal = "0.00";

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Hi twitty1437,

that´s amazing, thank you very much for sharing!

Just do your Core Business, we do the rest: Computer Maintenance  |  Data Recovery  |  Hosting  |  Accounting

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

There is also option to print delivery note as packing slip. In this case no prices are printed at all.

6 (edited by apmuthu 11/16/2012 02:14:38 pm)

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Can have an option in the report request form to print delivery note without prices.

Also may need to blank out the $DisplayDiscount as well.

Instead of value being 0.00, it can be blank and skip the computations it uses.

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

I'm not sure what you mean. There is option 'Print as packing slip' for this report, which do what you want.

8 (edited by apmuthu 11/16/2012 04:14:13 pm)

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

I was addressing the temp fix by twitty1437.

The Packing Slip does fine.

Looking up the code for this issue enlightened me on the report code format that needs to be Wikied.

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Still I don't understand the issue. Why anybody would need special code modifications, while  the packing slip fulfills all the requirements (beside difference in titles)?

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

There is no need for such code at all in general. The packing slip will suffice - only the difference in title exists.

Maybe a title such as "Packing Slip / Delivery Order" instead of just "Packing Slip" is what MacPhotoBiker desired.

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Hi Janusz,
1. The Packing list is for internal use, it is not given to customers/buyers.
2. We get third party delivery service to deliver goods for us. If the delivery note has products prices on it, who ever that deliver and/or store the goods will know the market value hence greed in the heart grows and loss of items will also hapens
3. We don't want the delivery guys to talk about the prices with the receiving companies about the different in prices.

Another point worth noting is, adding a signature and company stamp fields at the bottom of the delivery note is important too

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Well, there is no more confidential info on packing slip than on delivery note after the changes described above, so you can use the paking slip with the same effect. Whether delivery note/packing slip is internal document or not depends only on company policy. But if you wish to use customized delivery note layout instead of packing slip, you surely can.


Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Hi  Janusz,

Thanks for the wonderful work. Please I am also interested in adding " a signature and company stamp fields at the bottom of the delivery note is important too" is there a work-around for this need?

twitty1437 wrote:

Hi Janusz,
1. The Packing list is for internal use, it is not given to customers/buyers.
2. We get third party delivery service to deliver goods for us. If the delivery note has products prices on it, who ever that deliver and/or store the goods will know the market value hence greed in the heart grows and loss of items will also hapens
3. We don't want the delivery guys to talk about the prices with the receiving companies about the different in prices.

Another point worth noting is, adding a signature and company stamp fields at the bottom of the delivery note is important too

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

No, there is not such an option in FA, but you can customize reporting/rep110.php file to fit your needs.

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

Actually a signature switch can be set in all reports for
standard disclaimer or
no signature (default for backwards compatibility)

The signature can be set in the config file incurrent FA v2.3.x in a generic manner and in a per company instance as a new field in the company table in FA v2.4

Re: Prices on Delivery Notes?

A signature file name can be set in the notes field and coded accordingly.....