Topic: Purchase Order date is not accepting

when I setting purchase order date and click on update button then i got date error like

"The entered order date is invalid." any body have solution? pls email me

Re: Purchase Order date is not accepting

You have entered date in invalid format, thats all.

Re: Purchase Order date is not accepting

[Off topic: big fan of FA, working flawlessly since beginning of fiscal year, set up COA from scratch (Dutch) and sending out hundreds of quotations, invoices, etc. without a glitch, thanks guys /Off topic]

I have the same problem. I have 2 companies set up in FA. One is running fine (and has been for a year) on the date format DDMMYYYY. The next company I have set up now only accepts MMDDYYYY. Steps:
1. I set the date format in preferences to DDMMYYYY
2. I do a sales quotation entry
3. Click on the Quotation Date calendar icon (BTW, the date format is displayed next to the calendar icon as MMDDYYYY)
4. I click on October 24th. This comes up as 10/24/2012 (i.e. wrong format)
5. When clicking 'place quotation', FA comes back with: the entered date is invalid. Which makes sense as the preferences were set to DDMMYYYY, but the calendar feature seems to ignore that.

Any ideas?

Re: Purchase Order date is not accepting

By the way, I found out that when using a different database name, other than frontaccounting, the error occurs. So I've set up another company within the same frontaccounting dbase: no problems. Any thoughts?

Re: Purchase Order date is not accepting

Please check the directory structure under /company/*. When some folders are missing or not writable you can have problem similar to yours.

Re: Purchase Order date is not accepting

Janusz saves the day. Thanks.
I did a chmod on the corresponding folder under /company/ and all works fine now.