Having experience some with Identifying people in large systems, I think the key to solving this problem is to enforce strong customer short name coding standards. Staff easily pick this up.
This may imply one more tick in Company setup that says search on short name.
I have used a couple of variants over the years depending on the short name field length. For example, lets use a 5,4 standard which would work as follows.
Rodney Smith - SMITHRODN
Roderick Smith - SMITHRODE
Roderrick Smith - SMITHRODE1
Where you get a duplicate short name, you just add a number to the end in order the conflicts occur.
In Company Names you end up with
Vehicle Modifications Network = VEHICMODI
Vehicle Modifications Nursery = VEHICMODI1
Some companies like to end all Companies with PL
Currently, I am using this standard for business shortnames and
for customers Smith, Rodney
You'll be surprised how few duplicates arise from your Smiths with this standard and it could be extended to a 6,4 or larger within the field length but remember to retain at last the last 2 characters of the field for the number codes at the end.
Brisbane, QLD, Australia