Topic: Relate suppliers and items (supplier price list)


is it possible to set up a supplier price list? Currently, I know where to set up suppliers, and where to set up items, but apparently it´s not possible to relate them.

The idea is this: Prices are negotiated with a particular supplier, and stored in a database.

Then, when creating a purchase order for one particular supplier, it should only show the articles that particular supplier is actually offering, and the prices should be picked from the above mentioned agreement (price list). (Currently, it shows the "cartesian product", i. e. all suppliers show all products.)

This would make the ordering process much simpler and less prone to errors (you couldn´t order a product from the wrong supplier, also prices would not need to be typed, so they could not be mis-typed (although overwritten).

Could this be done?

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Relate suppliers and items (supplier price list)

Sorry, I just found it. I was expecting this in the purchase module, but it´s under "Items & Inventory -> Purchasing Pricing". Fair enough smile

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