1 (edited by kthaker 09/11/2012 11:16:11 am)

Topic: Legal to rebrand Front Accounting for sale?

Hi Guys, this is a question of legality of a person re-branding front accounting, then selling it as their own product (either as a standalone product or SaaS).

I've read through the GPL3 license here, however there is no real answer on whether this is allowed to remove logos and change the product name or not (but there is mention to comment all modifications, and that you are allowed to sell for any price etc):


The reason for this question, is that i have been contacted by a company who has blatantly rebranded FA, and are attempting to sell this to end users....and i dont think its right.. so i am conducting research before approaching them about it.

any help and advice on this issue would be much appreciated... thanks!

Re: Legal to rebrand Front Accounting for sale?

There is no right place here to explain all the nuances  of the license, so in short words:
. FrontAccounting can be sold providing all GPL license requirements are fullfiled;
. The result product have to be distributed on GPL license too;
. If the result product is distributed, it should be done in source form, so no code obfuscation is allowed;
. We do not give permissions to remove any licensing info from application
files; Any changes done in sources should be clearly stated as made by modification author;
. We retain rights to make license changes in future;

We do not agree on shameless usurpation of FrontAccounting authors work anyway.
FrontAccounting LLC

Re: Legal to rebrand Front Accounting for sale?

itronics wrote:

There is no right place here to explain all the nuances  of the license, so in short words:
. FrontAccounting can be sold providing all GPL license requirements are fullfiled;
. The result product have to be distributed on GPL license too;
. If the result product is distributed, it should be done in source form, so no code obfuscation is allowed;
. We do not give permissions to remove any licensing info from application
files; Any changes done in sources should be clearly stated as made by modification author;
. We retain rights to make license changes in future;

We do not agree on shameless usurpation of FrontAccounting authors work anyway.
FrontAccounting LLC

Thanks very much for your reply and clarification, i will "PM" you the details of the issue, as well as the outcome which i am glad to say has been resolved amicably.