Topic: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Just provided the following:

Company Creation for externally created blank database fix:

Login Company Select box to Edit Box privacy feature fix

Contact Festus at for an OpenVZ template with all the very latest Mercurial build and these fixes.

Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Hello apmuthu.

We are discussing and considering these implementation.


Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Thanks Joe, will await your including it in the main code base.

Please publish the API for providing COA from third party sites.

A nightly snapshot of the Mercurial Repo would make it easier for users to test and provide feedback easily.

Is there any PRO version of FA? Is there any intention to do so if one does not exist currently?

Please provide a link on the FA site for the Payroll plugin for FA hosted at Google:

Is there any page to show the differences between WebERP and FA?

Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Please let me know if you are interested in providing the OpenVZ template from on the FA Site. The template will be 180 MB in size. It will also contain the latest SG and IN COAs. The template requires no installation after starting the container.

Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Thanks apmuthu, your patches has been integrated with current FA version.
I guess nightly build is not necessary to be in touch with newest FA version. Everybody interested can clone FA hg repo and have all the changes tracked online. There is also not so much fixes included daily, and we do make new minor release after every important or security fix.

There is no publcly available pro version (whatever you mean) now, payroll module is in really alpha stage, so unfortunatelly it is not usable yet.

There is no official comparision page for FA & webERP I know about.

Yes, we should provide instructions about COA extraction, or even implement some extraction utility in any next FA version.

Regarding OpenVZA, I have no openvz enabled box avaialble just now, so I cant check and publish the template. But this is interesting option for the near future.

Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Thankyou Januz for the code integration.

Provision of a dynamically linked snapshot in mercurial is trivial and will save the need for installing and operating Mercurial just to get the code. Anyway, as the code changes are few and far between and your regular release schedule takes care of the security fixes it's okay.

The lack of a comparision between WebERP and FA is a pain to explain to every potential end user that FA is an Accounts focussed fork of WebERP.

A small history page with sister forks would be useful to compare notes between projects.

The Debian OpenVZ template is a boon to install many FA sites in a trice each with it's own root access and linux virtual machine. I had provided the ProxMox VE project with FA Templates till v2.2.11 and as there was no real feedback in that community for FA, I stopped updating it.

Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

While FA was based on webERP ideas, the code was completely rewritten on start (unmaintainable original code was primary reason for opening separated FA project). Currently probably the only common part of code is installer moved back to webERP, some similarities you can find also in database scheme, and that's all. Of course the comparision always can be done, but I preffer to leave this work for third party reviewers. Our opinion have to be naturally biased smile.

Re: Enhancement fixes for FA 2.3.11+ Build 3042

Thanks for the details Januz. A comparative review, even if considered biased, it's low degree of such bias will make for a nice ranking and trust if it is from the horse's mouth so to say.

In fact the ease with which FA could be implemented without a ton of ZZ maintenance scripts was what enticed me to offer it to the OpenVZ (ProxMox VE) community and you will therefore see quite a lot of upgrade requests from v2.2.11 (last released OpenVZ template) to the 2.3 versions. From v2.1 to v2.2.11, every significant development state was diff'ed and patches offered to the community, sometimes even twice a day when warranted, that prompted many to take the plunge into FA.