Topic: COA SQL statement order change preferred

Since the chart of accounts across all countries have the same table schema isn't it advisable to bundle the "DROP TABLE", "CREATE TABLE" and some of the common "INSERT INTO" SQL statements into a single database.sql file with the implementation specific "INSERT INTO" SQL data statements (bearing the COA data / demo data) being separated into another sql file?

As there is no provision on this board to attach COAs, I am unable to provide the SG and IN COA files for v2.3.11+ with the new SQL statement order format.

Caveat - the use of UTF8, Latin1 or other collation may warrant a set of ALTER TABLE statements for certain implementations if the proposed order and file separation is used.

Re: COA SQL statement order change preferred

We prefer to have complete sql init files for every separate country/coa type. This make  major version upgrade easier. Next FA version will include switch to internal utf8 tables, and any selected  user encoding. Now this is handled improperly.

Re: COA SQL statement order change preferred

Fair enough. Atleast the order of the SQL statements would make it easier to track the changes - All DROP DATABASE statements first, then all the CREATE DATABASE statements and then the INSERT INTO statements all the while maintaining the alphabetical order of table names.

This way, each COA needs to change only in the last part - INSERT INTO statemenst alone.