Re: Asset Register

It is probably my lack of experience with MySQL.  My System Administrator in FA is the default 'admin'. I can make the grant all statement on the database in MySQL to this user, but I don't know how the FA-name 'admin' translates into mysql.  I have tried to grant the rights to 'admin'@'localhost', but that did not work.  I also tried to create myself as System Administrator in FA, but to no avail.  Any suggestions regarding who I should grant the rights to in MySQL to make the asset module to install correctly?

Re: Asset Register

nice module!

How can i merge the translation file with the general FA translation file? I see in the asset register module a seperate translation file with 70 lines of translation is added.

In POedit i cannot enter these lines in the regular FA translation file (menu function update from pot will erease the regular lines).

Re: Asset Register

so step by step:

add the module

add your access

get the errors? So how did we all agree we would fix the errors?

Re: Asset Register

DATABASE ERROR : could not get all assets
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'easyacco_bizit.0_asset_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT *, 0_get_asset_value(a.asset_id, YEAR(now())) as current_value FROM 0_asset_types at INNER JOIN 0_assets a ON at.asset_type_id = a.asset_type_id WHERE !a.inactive


DATABASE ERROR : could not get all asset types
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'easyacco_bizit.0_asset_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 0_asset_types WHERE !inactive


DATABASE ERROR : could not get all assets
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'easyacco_bizit.0_asset_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT *, 0_get_asset_value(a.asset_id, YEAR(now())) as current_value FROM 0_asset_types at INNER JOIN 0_assets a ON at.asset_type_id = a.asset_type_id WHERE !a.inactive

Re: Asset Register

ok just ran the SQL from inside the module in the SQL manager