Topic: No form display while using Indian COA

I'm using FA since APR-2011 without knowing the form display option. Now i would like to put my own "reference" number.

But, i can not find any way on the form display. Its just blank page, with header and an update Icon.

I backed up my data and installed new company with default COA then i can view form display option.
Again i activated Indian COA from repository. I can not view form display on the fresh installation?!!

Go back and clean install using India COA option in the install page, can not view the form display page.

Is there any issue or bug fix on using Indian COA and form display problems?

Ram Sankar.V

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Please set the $go_debug flag in config.php to 1. This will trap any errors.


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Hello Joe,
Thanks for your reply. I tried with your suggestion, but not fixed. and no error displayed too.

i goback to ver2.3.7 and changed $go_debug=1, below is the error i'm getting while installing with Indian COA.

include_once(../company/0/installed_extensions.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file: C:\wamp\www\frontaccounting\includes\ at line 263
include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '../company/0/installed_extensions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in file: C:\wamp\www\frontaccounting\includes\ at line 263


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

There seems to be a missing file in /company/0/ called installed_extensions.php.  You can copy this one from the root folder.


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Hi Joe,
There is a problem with Indian COA, but i dont know. If anyone tried can explain.

Finally i managed to see the form display as
1. choose fresh installing American COA as default (FA 2.3.11)
2. also selected Indian COA for additional during fresh install
now i can see.

But, if i restored my old db i can't view the form display. Please teach me how to fix this. i have my 1yr of data.

installed_extension.php file is there, i checked. hope that is not the problem.


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

This is strange. Which version were you using before 2.3.11?


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

i"m using frm 2.3.5
this year data is 2.3.11

see i can use the data except changing the reference number

and fron day one, auto reference was not working with indian coa

could u try on  ur system with ind coa?

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

just before tried with several country COA seems  all works fine
but not indian COA.
Could anyone try on your system and leave feed back. a fresh install with ind coa as default


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

the same error i reported 2 weeks ago,it felt solved because i used the default american coa.when i used indian coa the problem remains.i tested with british coa no problem.

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Hi FAuser, thanks for your comment.

Hope FA team will help us with some patch.

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Yes, I have seen that now. Will have a look asap.


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Hello again.
This error has now been localized. The 0_sys_types data was missing in the COA.

With phpMyAdmin, please copy and paste the following into the sql box in phpMyAdmin and run it.

If you have another table prefix than 0_, please replace this before running.

INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(0, 17, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(1, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(2, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(4, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(10, 16, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(11, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(12, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(13, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(16, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(17, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(18, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(20, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(21, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(22, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(25, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(26, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(28, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(29, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(30, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(32, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(35, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_types` VALUES(40, 1, '1');

The repository will be replaced with an updated sql script.

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Great !

Joe, now its works. I'll use it, and if any more issues let you know.

Thanks for your efforts.

Ram Sankar.V

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

thanks for your effort to solve the form set up when using indian COA.i seek your attention to the following issue
have you noticed the invoice form when using indian chart of accounts, the item description column,the pull down is not active. in other COA or in online demo the items can be selected directly from the item description we should give item code fragment or * at item code column to make item description active.
hoping reply

Re: No form display while using Indian COA

Ah, please uncheck the 'search item list' in company setup, setup tab,


Re: No form display while using Indian COA

thanks joe...
it solved when i unchecked the search itemlist from company setup.
with frontaccounting......with confidence