Topic: Installation error

After FTP all the files to a new folder on my server. Ran the install and got a blank blue screen.
Please help!

Re: Installation error

Hello Gouwca,
You'll have to give us more information on your setup before anyone could suggest a thing or two.
What operating system did you install FA on? Which WEB server are you using? IIS or Apache?
The more info you provide the better the help you may receive.

Re: Installation error

Hi Carmelr
Operting system is Apache.
Did install it on my localhost and is working.
But on the web server it's not showing the installation screen with all the OK's.
Did check on the server for the session.auto_start = 0.

Any suggestions ?

Re: Installation error

Please set the $go_debug to 1 in the file config.php. This will trap any possible errors.
