Topic: Activating zen_import


I have been searching for an answer to activate the zen_import add-on. I have installed the latest FrontAccounting release (v2.3.11), then installed the zen_import module. It is activated for my current company.
When I go to Setup > Access Setup, ther is nowhere anything about zen_import, import, or zen cart, or anything. What did I miss?
Does this module actually work?

I also tried with FA v2.3.2 since the readme of the zen_import module says it was developed for FA v2.3.2. This didn't work either.

Thanks for any help!


Re: Activating zen_import

I have the same problem,  zen_cart does not show up in Access Setup.

I also tried a local module, and it also does not show in Access Setup.

Are we missing something>

Re: Activating zen_import

Thank you for pointing the problem out. The zen_import package has been updated. Please try update your application using Install/Activate Extensions page again.

Re: Activating zen_import

Hi Janusz,

Thank you for looking into this. It is working now!
