Topic: Price after tax not applying tax

When I go to create a sales order entry and I insert an item, instead of calculating the price + tax on the price after tax column I just get the item price. The tax is never calculated anywhere. I setup the tax type, tax group and the item tax type. What am I missing here?

Re: Price after tax not applying tax

I figured out what my issue was. I'll put it here in case anyone else has this issue. It turns out that in "Sales Types" ( Sales tab > Sales Types ) my retail type had "Tax Included" selected for some reason. That's why I had a price after tax column. Now that I unselected that I have a "Price before Tax" column and a new row appears after the sub-total adding the tax for the entire order.

Re: Price after tax not applying tax

Registered just to say thanks for this!

Very much appreciate you posting the solution.