Topic: FA 2.3.11 System not updating

I just installed your latest release on my hosting company's server. Installation went fine and diagnostics show green across the board. I created a default company successfully. The installation shows four fiscal years (2009 to 2011), I tried to delete a closed fiscal year and only received a red triangle display and no update completed. I tried to create the 2012 fiscal year (calendar year) and got the same result. Any update I attempt to perform the same result. Can I get some assistance please!

2 (edited by p2409 07/31/2012 08:36:42 am)

Re: FA 2.3.11 System not updating

If you're experience an error in the running of the code, you'll need to try to get some more information on what's going wrong by editing ./config.php
and setting:

If you can access your php settings, you might also try looking at the error_log to see if there's a PHP or database access problem.

If there's nothing wrong with the code, please note the checks FA runs before it will allow the deletion of a FY. Here are some of the messages in the code ./admin/fiscalyears.php:

- Cannot delete this fiscal year because thera are fiscal years before.
- Cannot delete this fiscal year because the fiscal year is not closed.
- The marked fiscal year is the current fiscal year which cannot be deleted.

There is also a comment in the code that may be relevant:
"only delete if used in neither customer or supplier, comp prefs, bank trans accounts"

Re: FA 2.3.11 System not updating

Hello Community:

Here is an update to my updating problem. I figured out that the Java console was creating an error 406 and after doing some research online I also found out that Apache's mod_security needed to be turned off. So I contacted my hosting provider and explained my problem and requested that they evaluate my finding and to adjust the mode on the mod_security feature of Apache.

This change fixed my problem, but I still have to test the FA environment to make sure this change did not affect anything else. If I encounter any problems with this change I will post subsequent findings.

I hope this helps others!