Topic: is VAT (value add tax) european term?

Hi Joe,

is this software suitable for USA user?

Thank you

Re: is VAT (value add tax) european term?

Oh yes, you can also install a language, English-US, where you will have specific translations.
The second largest downloads come from the US.


Re: is VAT (value add tax) european term?

Hi Joe,

After using English-US, my sales order document shows "Our Tax ID:" instead of "Order #"!!! and other weird field names.
is there anyway I can attach a picture so I can show you?


Re: is VAT (value add tax) european term?

The English-US .po and .mo files may need some updates. Normally we use poEdit to update .po files. The transaction files are in /lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES folder.

Please also ensure that you are using the latest version of FA, 2.3.11.
