Topic: invoices and discount
There seems no 'discount'-possibility on invoices. In my country, It is considered good practice, although not obliged, to book discounts 'for commercial reasons' on purchases on a separate account number (or different account numbers). I'm not talking about prompt payment discounts or discounts as a result of a lower value of the goods (e.g. scratches, errors, ...), but about discounts for commercial reasons. In the sales, the possibility for both discounts is present, being the 'sales discount account' and 'prompt payment discount account'. For purchases, this seems not possible. Any good reasons for not adding discounts to purchases?
I found this topic which is related to my question, but it is not really what I'd like:
However, it may be ok to adjust the prices of the invoice, but it is not entirely correct and not considered as 'good practice' on my country. The purchased goods are more worth than what will be booked, since in the cases I'm talking about, a discount is given for commercial reasons (not because they are less worth). In these cases, the discount should be booked on another account number (following 'good practice').
Concrete: I'd like to use the account numbers:
600... : purchased goods
608... : discounts on purchases
657... : prompt payment discounts on purchases
This is similar to the accounts used for sales:
700... : sales
708... : sales discounts
757... : prompt payment discounts on sales
I'm missing a way to implement account number '608...' . For sales, all three account numbers can be used, for purchases, booking on one is not possible (608...), due to a lack of 'discounts' on purchases (or am I missing something)? Just one field, for one number would be ok (it doesn't have to be a % field on every entry of an invoices), or some kind of recognition whenever the discount account number is used: if number 608... is used, the value is subtracted from the total, not added to it.
It would be really awesome if this feature could be implemented (like it is present for sales), or maybe it is and I am missing something...
Thanks a lot,
Kurt Sys