Topic: changing the language


I just installed FrontAccounting and wanted to change the language to german,
but this is not possible. Choosing Setup and  Install/Update Languages
I get an empty page like with any other item in this column.
How can I install the the german language?


Re: changing the language

I'm not sure what you mean. Where you see empty page?

Re: changing the language

porrier wrote:


I just installed FrontAccounting and wanted to change the language to german,
but this is not possible. Choosing Setup and  Install/Update Languages
I get an empty page like with any other item in this column.
How can I install the the german language?


The page is not empty. It just shows the menupoints inactive and I do not see
a chance to edit anything there.

SalesPurchasesItems and InventoryManufacturingDimensionsBanking and General LedgerSetup
Install/Update Languages   
Language     Name     Encoding     Right To Left     Installed     Available     Default    

and blue bachground, that's all. Unfortunatly I cannot send a screenshot.


Re: changing the language

Site maintenance options like modules installation is available only for administrator of really first company created.

Re: changing the language

itronics wrote:

Site maintenance options like modules installation is available only for administrator of really first company created.

hm, that is the first company I created, none elsa and I am logged in as admin.


Re: changing the language

Then go to the Access Roles, and switch on access to all security areas for your role, which probably should be set to 'Administrator'.

Re: changing the language

porrier wrote:
itronics wrote:

Site maintenance options like modules installation is available only for administrator of really first company created.

hm, that is the first company I created, none elsa and I am logged in as admin.


You mean Access setup in Company Setup? Everything there is activated
for System Administrator except for Allow entry on non closed Fiscal years
and Revenue / Cost Accruals.


Re: changing the language

itronics wrote:

Then go to the Access Roles, and switch on access to all security areas for your role, which probably should be set to 'Administrator'.

I made a new installation and found out that if I choose
Install Additional Language Packs from FA Repository:
it comes to the next screen, but there is nothing to choose and the shown menus are inactive.

If I go back and deselect
Install Additional Language Packs from FA Repository:
I can continue with the installation.


Re: changing the language

Sorry, I don't know the reason. Providing you have http access to domain during installation process all should work. I have tested it just moment ago and all gone without problems.

10 (edited by pbro 05/19/2012 01:37:51 pm)

Re: changing the language


I have a similar problem to that of porrier. I would like to have Spanish as the system language.

-> I log in as 'admin'  for the first company
-> I go to setup and install Spanish COA - ISO
-> Create a new company, and set database script to Spanish COA-ISO
-> Create a new user and assign his language as Spanish - Chile
-> Log out and login as the new user for this new company
     At this point the COA accounts are in Spanish
-> Display settings are set to Spanish (Chile) however the screen texts are all in English

How can I set the screen texts to Spanish?

From the Linux console I find that the file es_CL-2.3.0-1.po in the directory   /var/www/frontaccounting/lang/es_CL/LC_MESSAGES includes the correct texts for the screen display.

Thank you