Topic: TAX Time - VAT stamp

I live and work in Poland with a Polish company and we are testing FrontAccounting to ensure its suitability before proceeding.

Basically, in Poland, we need to stamp Direct Invoices with the date at which VAT will become due on the transaction. My question is, is this possible?

Basically, under <Purchases> -- <Direct Invoice> we need to have the option of selecting a date on which payment of VAT for the invoice becomes due. So, I have used paint to modify a screen capture in order to illustrate the need but it is in Polish. Perhaps Janusz would best understand this requirement and could perhaps let me know if the said image would be helpful as I'm unsure of how to post an image here.


Re: TAX Time - VAT stamp

No, standard FA version does not provide entry field for VAT effective date. You will need to customize FA sources for your needs. NB polish tax regulations provide more problems you will have to solve (WTF is faktura korygująca? smile). If you have no resources to customize FA  yourself, you can try polish version offered on SaaS basis by one of our partners (contact info you will find on FA partners page).