Topic: Modify way taxes are calculated


I would need to know which script needs to be modified
in order to change the way taxes are applies to an item.

In QC, Canada, the way taxes are applied is:

(Gross value of the product * 1.05) * 1.095

one tax is applied on the top of the other.
Which means that a on product that costs 50 $
you'll have to pay 2.58 for one tax (TPS) and 5.14 (TVQ) for the other.
The total would then be 59.27.

The way Front accounting calculates it is based on the gross value only
so the total is 57.25 instead of 59.27.

Let me know where this can be changed.
Thanks !

Re: Modify way taxes are calculated

In this case I have another suggestion. As you tell us, you are calculating tax on tax.

Include the tax rates in the Tax Type name. The first tax rate is obvious. The next tax rate should be calculated as you explain.
Now suppress the rates when printing the tax by setting a variable in config.php, $suppress_tax_rates, to 1.
Now the tax rates will not be included in the print outs (and this is why you should change the Tax Type name to include the rate you want to show).

This is a common way to solve the issue.

I guess we have some Canadian users, that can explain how they do this.


Re: Modify way taxes are calculated


thanks for the reply.

Yes I have already thought about hacking it that way,
however the issue is that in order to have accurate rates.
the value of the second tax would need to be 14.975 %,
and front accounting keeps rounding it up to 15 %.

one way or an other,
I would need to have to change the code somewhere,
but I have no clue where.

Any other suggestion is welcome wink

- Cheers.

Re: Modify way taxes are calculated

You can increase the decimals in percents in Preferences.
There is also a topic about this in the Setup forum, sticky notes.


Re: Modify way taxes are calculated

Thanks it worked great