Topic: Scaning items instead of clicking

Is it possible that if i sale items instead of ticking it or selecting it i scan it

looking forward to your rreaction ?

Re: Scaning items instead of clicking

No, this is not possible. It will require a special kind of extension / module. I don't think there is an available module at present.


Re: Scaning items instead of clicking

Its ugly, but a good programmable barcode scanner will get-er-done. use part of the barcode as the itemcode and the scanner to hack it up for you and take you to the next item code field.

Re: Scaning items instead of clicking

I have tried the following i used de barcode number as my itemcode and it scaned it where i should manually ticked the account code but the problem is that i still have to use a mouse to select debitor and to print the invoice.

not so handy for a shop where clients come and go in every minute.

Could you guys work on it or give me a alternative.

Re: Scaning items instead of clicking

using your barcode as itemcode is simple,
but if you run a mobile shop where you have to track the serialnumber what then.

One batch number have thousand of serial numebr what then ??

Re: Scaning items instead of clicking

FrontAccounting does not support serial number tracking for now.
