Topic: Error encountered

i encountered another error on opening Customer Allocations

DATABASE ERROR : Cannot retreive debtor transactions
error code : 1052
error message : Column 'type' in where clause is ambiguous
sql that failed was : SELECT 0_debtor_trans.*, ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount AS Total, AS DebtorName, 0_debtors_master.address, 0_debtors_master.curr_code, 0_debtor_trans.version , round(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount-alloc,6) <= 0 AS settled FROM 0_debtor_trans, 0_debtors_master WHERE 0_debtor_trans.debtor_no=0_debtors_master.debtor_no AND (type=12 OR type=11 OR type=2) AND (0_debtor_trans.ov_amount > 0) AND (round(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax-ov_discount-alloc,6) > 0) AND 0_debtor_trans.debtor_no = 8 ORDER BY trans_no

Re: Error encountered

You should change field name you just have added to debtors_master to avoid the name conflict.

Re: Error encountered

Thank You Itronics, it's worked