Topic: Remove Supplier Transaction & Supplier Allocation Inquiry Entries


I want to delete Supplier Transaction Inquiry & Supplier Allocation Inquiry Entries.

Can anybody guide me on this?

Mayank Jani

Re: Remove Supplier Transaction & Supplier Allocation Inquiry Entries

If you void the transaction the underlying allocation should also be voided.


Re: Remove Supplier Transaction & Supplier Allocation Inquiry Entries

Thanks for fast response and your support.

I will check your solution and try to solve my problem.

Thanks again smile

Mayank Jani

4 (edited by mayankjani 02/22/2012 09:03:40 am)

Re: Remove Supplier Transaction & Supplier Allocation Inquiry Entries

I have void the transaction for Supplier Invoice, Supplier Credit Note and Supplier Payment but still the entries displaying into Supplier Transaction Inquiry & Supplier Allocation Inquiry pages.

And I think, only because of above problem, when I am trying to delete the suppliers, it will give me error (Cannot delete this supplier because there are transactions that refer to this supplier.).

How I solve this problem?

Mayank Jani