1 (edited by mayankjani 02/17/2012 07:09:43 am)

Topic: Cancel Purchase Order - I Can't delete the purchase order


I am trying to delete the purchase order by clicking 'Cancel Order' button. But when I am cancelling the order, it will give me error like "This order cannot be cancelled because some of it has already been received."

So my question is how to delete this type of purchase orders entry?

Can anybody help on this my problem?

Thanks in advance.

Mayank Jani

Re: Cancel Purchase Order - I Can't delete the purchase order

You can't as long as there are partly deliveries. You can remove the deliveries in the Supplier Invoice on the right hand side of purchasing tab. But you must be logged in as admin for doing this.
After that you should be able to delete the Purchase Order.


Re: Cancel Purchase Order - I Can't delete the purchase order

Thanks for Reply, Joe

Yeah, I got Supplier Invoice page but I can't get that purchase order entry and can't see deletion operation in that.

Can you guide me more on this?

Mayank Jani

Re: Cancel Purchase Order - I Can't delete the purchase order

You are NOT seeing the Purchase Order entry here, but the delivery item(s). Please login as an admin and lookup the delivery already done and if you haven't invoiced it yet, then remove it.

This is the reason for not allowing you to delete it. You must either invoice the delivery or remove it, before you can delete the PO.


Re: Cancel Purchase Order - I Can't delete the purchase order

Thanks Joe

I will check your solution and try to delete the entries.

Thanks again for help smile