Topic: sales order: item text

I wonder, if we could have inside sales order entry an item description field, as it is available in items.php: textarea_row???

Re: sales order: item text

You have item descritpion  editable in sales order entry when you check related box in item record.

Re: sales order: item text

Yes , but I would like a multi line edit box like in items.php with the (long) description.

Re: sales order: item text

This would generate additional problems in printed reports, so for now we will stay with current solution.


Re: sales order: item text

I see.
Thks, barney

Re: sales order: item text


I am using 2.3.9 and don't see editable item description after I have added the item under New Sales Order Entry.  The only editable fields are Item Code, Quantity, Price before Tax and Discount.

Can you tell me how to edit Item Description from the Sales Order Entry screen?


Re: sales order: item text

Just click the row down again for editing. Now the description field is editable.
