Topic: Installing 2.3.9


I tried installing version 2.3.9 and encountered the following problem OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system. I enabled OpenSSL PHP on my php.ini file and restarted apache several times and even the computer without much luck.

what else needs to be done?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Installing 2.3.9

Someone please help me out

Re: Installing 2.3.9

PHP has several php.ini files for diffferent operation modes (CLI, apache module etc.) MAke sure you have enabled openssl for php mode you use. Last but not least you have to have OpenSSL libraries installed smile.

Re: Installing 2.3.9

If ur using XAMPP 1.7.7 for windows, just add in ur  ../xampp/php/php.ini)


Re: Installing 2.3.9

I did that but i still kept getting the error message

Re: Installing 2.3.9

Did you make a restart of your Apache Server??


Re: Installing 2.3.9

yep, even the computer due to frustration

Re: Installing 2.3.9

Are you sure you are changing in the right php.ini file. In xamp you might get several apache installations. You should look for  the correct appache???? folder and the php.ini is in the bin cirectory.

Secondly if you are using the correct one, check that you have the php_openssl.dll installed too. It should be in the php -
php??? - ext folder, where ??? is the php version you are using.

Now you must be able to run smile
