Topic: Reference number


how can I change the reference number for the Sales quotation, Sales order, invoice?

E.g. I want sales quotation to be QU000001, Sales Order SO00001, instead of 1,2,3


Re: Reference number

I managed to find out for this issue.


Re: Reference number

intersky wrote:

I managed to find out for this issue.


Would you mind to share how did you do this?

Re: Reference number

it is in the Form setup.

Just put in the reference number and it will continue from there

Re: Reference number

intersky wrote:

it is in the Form setup.

Just put in the reference number and it will continue from there

Ok... so for us newbies...

The default for the  reference number is "1".  (In the SetupUp Forms page.)

Let's assume I want the Sales Orders to start with "SO-" and the Purchase Orders to start with "PO". 
Are you saying I put:

"SO-1" (no quotes) in the Form Setup field for Sales Orders?  (And "PO-1" for the Purchase Orders"?)

If I do so, will the next Sales order be "SO-00000000001"?  and the one after that "SO-00000000002"? etc?  or will the next Sales order be "SO-1" and then "SO-2" etc?

I know the answers may sound obvious to some, but it isn't to me.  Before I start setting things (customers, vendors, items, etc) up, I would like to have a good idea how the system will  respond.  That way I will know if something is 'messed up' or if that's just the way it works...



Re: Reference number

You decide how things should start. Please either try it out on the Training Co. or the demo company.
But if you start with SO-000001 the next will be SO-000002 and so on.


Re: Reference number

Also if your current document number is FV 0012/2012 the next number generated will be FV 0013/2012. Just first digital part is subject to incrementation (preserving leading the part length with leading zeros).