Topic: Sales Invoice - adding a text sub-heading

When entering a Sales Invoice I need to occasionally add to the body of the invoice a unique sub-heading as a text only single line.  I could do this easily with MYOB but just cannot figure out how to do it with FrontAccounting.

I have tried creating a special inventory item for text entry using - as the code and this works fine, except that it insists on a quantity of at least 1 and prints out 1 ea and a price of zero dollars. If I make the quantity zero it does not print out.

Here is an example:

-         4428197 WEIR GILLIAN - COUPERIN: ORGAN MASSES 1 ea. 0.00 0.00
CDB CD Burn Archive retrieval    1 ea. 45.00 45.00
CDL Standard CD Label charge  2 ea. 45.00 90.00
-         4767960 DAVIS/MARRINER - TIPPETT: FANFARE/SUITES 1 ea. 0.00 0.00
CDB CD Burn Archive retrieval    1 ea. 45.00 45.00
CDL Standard CD Label charge  1 ea. 45.00 45.00

This is what I really require:

CDB CD Burn Archive retrieval    1 ea. 45.00 45.00
CDL Standard CD Label charge  2 ea. 45.00 90.00
CDB CD Burn Archive retrieval    1 ea. 45.00 45.00
CDL Standard CD Label charge  1 ea. 45.00 45.00



Re: Sales Invoice - adding a text sub-heading

Yes this sounds reasonable. We will establish a global variable in config.php file for this to work in the next minor release.
In the meantime you can do the following change in /reporting/rep107.php at line 121

                if ($Net != 0.0)
                    $rep->TextCol(2, 3,    $DisplayQty, -2);
                    $rep->TextCol(3, 4,    $myrow2['units'], -2);
                    $rep->TextCol(4, 5,    $DisplayPrice, -2);
                    $rep->TextCol(5, 6,    $DisplayDiscount, -2);
                    $rep->TextCol(6, 7,    $DisplayNet, -2);

If you also want to do this in the deliveries please change adequate in /reporting/rep110.php line 130.


Re: Sales Invoice - adding a text sub-heading


That worked perfectly. Thanks.

