1 (edited by alvin 09/17/2008 06:31:22 pm)

Topic: small things

Items and Inventory
1.  A way to set default setting in (Items and Inventory > Items > New Items) like (Category:, Item Tax Type:, Item Type:, and Units of Measure:)

2.  Also in (Select an item:) (New item) it would be faster to just have a button for (Add New Item)

3.  (Supplier Purchasing Data > Price) It would nice to have a way to set Decimal Places, different for a supplier than for an Item selling price,

7. (Inquiries and Reports, Reports For Class:  Inventory, Stock Check Sheets:)  It would be nice to have a blank line right after the quantity, in the quantity column to make corrections on, when out on the floor doing an inventory count.

Banking and General Ledger
4.  Bank Account Payment Entry, at the Payment has been entered, menu.  It would be nice to have the (Enter a Deposit) link on this page, and the same with (make a payment) link on the deposit page.

6.  Reports and Analysis, Reports For Class:  General Ledger, Profit and Loss Statement: It would be nice to be able to print P&L in currency of your choice.

9.  Bank Account Payment Entry, It would be nice to have a drop down list for  (To the Order of:), and when a name is selected, a default account would show in (Account Code | Account Description)

8.  (Direct Sales Invoice:) It would be nice to have the (Delivery Details, Due Date:) default to the (Invoice Date:)

General System
5.  It would be nice to have a way to tell that something is happening when you hit one of the buttons at the bottom, like Update, Process, or Insert.  Some times it take a while to process your entry, and could be mistaken as a system hang. The browser shows no indication that anything is happening.

More Later, Chow

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: small things

1. I understand your solution, but I don't think that there is a need for this.
2. With the last ajax enabled implementation, I think Janusz has established an optimal solution. If selecting an item it assumes that you are editing. Pressing Cancel will get back to new item again. When the New Item is active in the list, you are about to enter a new item!
3. If this is an important issue, we will consider this in future releases.
4. Good idea. Will be implemented ASAP.
5. Again, I think when you are selecting the 'Show hints for new users' in the Display Setup, you get extended help. Maybe Janusz will comment on this.

Thanks for your contributions.


Re: small things

1,2,4 - I agree with joe. Supplier decimal point needs some coding effort, and we currently have all what is needed to UOM recalculation, so maybe in the future.

Regarding the last preposition I understand the problem, but in fact I did not find no universal solution which would be satisfactory for all users. Where there are long delays between ajax call and server response, we would like any progress/waiting indicator. On the other hand a lot of FA instances are available for users on local net, so additional indicator would cause not needed annoying flicker. Also the form of the indicator should be integrated with overall theme look and feel.
One of possible implementations of progress indicator in FA you can find in FoxPro import module, where it is displayed during potentially very timeconsuming import process in message box. But this approach is not very suitable for eg background ajax selector updates.

Anyway I am open for more detailed preposition in this matter.


Re: small things

I am happy to get the news of the "Planning for Next Major Release".

I updated my list of Small Things, number 6-8

More Later,


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: small things

6. What is the reason for printing the P/L in another currency than the domestic currency?
8. Due-date is customer specific. It is calculated based on the payment terms.


Re: small things

joe wrote:

6. What is the reason for printing the P/L in another currency than the domestic currency?

It would be handy when you need to fill out forms in another country, or if your in that country and you just want to view your income statement  or other reports in that currency.

joe wrote:

8. Due-date is customer specific. It is calculated based on the payment terms.

The customer (payment terms) is set to (Cash Sale), I don't see any way to add, change, or edit (Payments Terms)?

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: small things

You change/add Payment Terms in Setup, Payment terms. After that you can select the payment terms in Sales / Add and manage Customers. You can also set the Payment terms for a supplier in Purchase.


Re: small things

I forgot. Your # 7 was a good idea. Will include that in release 2.0.2. We do it as an extra selector box, Inventory Column, or so with 'Yes' and 'No' default to 'No'.


Re: small things

joe wrote:

You change/add Payment Terms in Setup, Payment terms. After that you can select the payment terms in Sales / Add and manage Customers. You can also set the Payment terms for a supplier in Purchase.


Hey Joe, I don't how I missed that one.

The default install for the payment terms, (cash only, Following Month On, and Due After (Days)) should be set to N/A

I also added small things number 9, above


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: small things

Regarding # 9. Yes and this is related to one of the wishes in the polls on the poll page. I think we can do it this easy.
Ah, regarding the Cash Only. In case we do not want to give the customer 1 day for cash only, we should set it to 0. N/A is either column that is not in use.


Re: small things

At Items, it would be nice to get a (Add New Item) button at the bottom next to the (Update Item) and (Delete this Item) button, after you add a new item.

Save a mouse and a finger


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: small things

Well, I'm not sure what would be savings here. After item change/adding focus is set on top list, so 'New' position  already is, or can be selected after single Home press.

Re: small things

Not sure, I see no hot key?   At the top of the list, yes, but if the Item you are on is at the bottom of this long list, you have to scroll to the top to get to it? It does not default to the top position. I guess you could do a shift-tab and a delete, that would it,  but hey them hot keys are cool!!


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: small things

Oh, you mean additional button with escape hotkey  for canceling edition? Why not?