Topic: Journal Entries / Deposits / Payments import csv

I cant understand the use of reference in  Journal Entries / Deposits / Payments entry.

when i am importing Deposits / Payments from CSV file data go to one table(bank_trans)
and the gl_trans table is unchanged. but if i enter a payment or deposits one record go to bank_trans table and two record go to gl_trans table. so in the gl_trans table the entry is balance. in case of importing data from csv the gl_trans table is unchange.

please help me for importing.

Re: Journal Entries / Deposits / Payments import csv

If you mean import_multijournalentries extension, probably there is some bug in the bank related code which will be fixed in a few next days.

3 (edited by ckrosco 10/18/2012 05:47:27 pm)

Re: Journal Entries / Deposits / Payments import csv

itronics wrote:

If you mean import_multijournalentries extension, probably there is some bug in the bank related code which will be fixed in a few next days.

Was this ever fixed?

I am trying to use this module to import payments. I get a blank white screen after clicking the import button, and the entries are not imported.

Here is an example of what I am trying to import - a payment for shipping (account 5720):


Re: Journal Entries / Deposits / Payments import csv

Yes, seems it was fixed, but anyway it is quick & dirty implementation. I guess you should set $go_debug=1 in your config.php file to be able to see what a real problem is hmm.