Topic: Datewise stock balance report

I'm new to frontaccounting and many thanks for the wonderful software. I need to generate datewise opening and closing stock report, can you please suggest how I can do this?


Re: Datewise stock balance report

Well, it would probably look like the Inventory Item Movement.
Look into file /inventory/inquiry/stock_movements.php. It will explain how to do it.
You can do this as a custom report. Look at one of the custom reports at the repository, Setup tab, Install / activate extensions.


Re: Datewise stock balance report

Hi Joe,
Thanks for your reply.
I've checked the stock_movements.php and identified the required changes to show all the item opening and closing balance on a custom report that would be like the stock movement one. However,  I'm not being able to find the custom reports you've mentioned. Can you please help me?


Re: Datewise stock balance report

Oh, there are several. If you go into the Setup tab, install / activate modules/extensions. you will find one you can look at.
