Topic: time problem

i have switched from IIS7 to XAMPP server, where it worked fine.

now i have issue with time,
the time zone set in
config.php file is
ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Berlin')
and i have changed it into
ini_set('date.timezone', 'GMT-5');

but its still showing wrong time.

i want it to show my server time but its showing different time.


Re: time problem

Ok, try to comment out the line and see if you get the correct info.


Re: time problem

ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Berlin')       ini_set('date.timezone', 'Asia/Karachi')

You can also check list of Other times zones on this website.

Re: time problem

thanks for reply and  i try both

1. by comment out the line
2. by changing the ini_set('date.timezone', 'Asia/Karachi')

but both did't work.

5 (edited by sigbank 12/23/2011 09:40:29 am)

Re: time problem


I believe you have to change at php.ini

Look for date.timezone and fill the string with "Asia/Karachi"
and make sure you restart your apache service..

hope it works

Re: time problem

I am evaluating FrontAccounting and note the following issue.
When installing several companies, it is easy in FA to set date display format - however, time is shown as (php) SERVER TIME.
On multiple companies or when using shared servers (not necessarily located in user's time zone) it should be possible IN FA to set the time to display & RECORD TRANSACTIONS at the time zone of THE LOCATION OF THE COMPANY'S (accounts)OFFICE on a per company basis. In today's world a server is located anywhere anywhere in the world  and can host several companies in many different time zones.
Any plans for this ?
Thanks / Regards

Re: time problem

Good idea. Should be added in next major FA release.

Re: time problem

This should also solve many legal implications in various countries