1 (edited by AlastairR 11/10/2011 08:00:17 am)

Topic: PHP Memory leak WAMP?

Does anyone have memory leak problems with FrontAccounting? I inserted:     

    if ($show_sql)
        $sql_queries .= "<pre>Memory:".memory_get_usage()."</pre>\n<hr>";

in /includes/page/footer.inc at line 36.

It shows memory steadily increasing until PHP gives an out of memory error. I am using WAMP PHP 5.3.5 on Apache 2.2.17. Logging out of FA clears memory, but even just navigating between menu pages shows the memory steadily increasing.
Any suggestions?

Re: PHP Memory leak WAMP?

Maybe. This is not the case on my Linux box using php 5.3.3 where memory usage floats about 1-1.5MB. I guess this can be some version related php issue?