Topic: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice


Need to display Regular price field separately of tax % field. Also, must change field title which reads " Price after TAX " to " PRICE ".

Taxes should be calculated on the total invoice ( not per item ).

The tax field should be exactly right after "shipping & handling"  field, and right before Subtotal, or where it usually goes on US standard invoice forms.

This tax rate field should automatically calculate the % and add it to the subtotal.

Hopefully, one of you wiz will be able to help me.

Tony Valdes.

Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

hi Tony,
I has at same problem and solve it simple.
At first you need to set that all prices on direct invoice will shows without tax. You need on sales type, for example "Retail" sale, will create exclude tax. than on Inventory Item Sales prices you need to set "Retail" sale and write price without tax. on the direct invoice, when sell goods on Pricelist you need to set "Retail" sale and that's it. Now all prices will shows on invoice below Total.

Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

Sorry, but this didn´t do anything for me.  WE continue to have problems in getting the tax calculator to work.

Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

do you set TAX number?

Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

lordas, thank you for your devoted help, but in regards to the tax number, it doesn´t seem to be a mandatory field, therefore i will suppose that it´s not imperative to enter such info. i right or wrong ?

One thing is for sure, I really need to figure out this problem, either via setup or php config, but apparently your are the only one that has offered me help, so far.

I have written even to adminnistrators of this forum, and i´m yet to get a response. It seems that the people in charge of this forum don´t care much about the users of the program. At least, this is my experience for now.

Hope someone with the right skills can help a fellow user.

Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

gic306, remember that this is a non profit project. If you can't get help by reading the Wiki and search the forum uou are on your own. We don't have resources to help changing the program.


Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

gci305 wrote:

I have written even to adminnistrators of this forum, and i´m yet to get a response. It seems that the people in charge of this forum don´t care much about the users of the program. At least, this is my experience for now.

Hope someone with the right skills can help a fellow user.

This has not been my experience with the development team. They provide better support than many commercial products. But you have to be specific, confine your support to bugs and improvements. You can't expect them to hold your hand on how to configure the system to your needs.

The tax system is very powerful and should handle tax for any country provided it is correctly set up.

So here are some pointers for you.
1. Look at the Tax inclusive option which will not display tax per line and display the total tax in the invoice footer.
2. Modifying the invoice layout and text can be achieved by modifying one include file which you should find if you search.
3. A better alternative to 2 (which I have adopted) may be to write a language file that deals with the taxation nomenclature used in your country.
4. Make sure the GL codes for tax accounts and shipping are correctly set up to post charges to the correct group of accounts. Eg. here, Shipping charges must go to a income account not credited against an expense.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Tax calc. & inclusion for items on Direct Invoice

Ladies & Gents,

In an effort to make this work for me, I´m willing to grant complete access to my FA admin account. If able to fix the problem, then I will change the login info, and that will be the end of that ordeal.

I will commit to payment accord to work performed, if problem solve at 100%.

I reaally love this application and would love to keep using it.

Awaiting for your prompt & positive reply.