Topic: Cash sale without invoice

I'm new in FA.
I sell goods using cash-register. How I need enter this procedure in FA.
If I entered it like direct invoice I got Invoice number. This function needs only for companies, what about if customer is natural person?

Re: Cash sale without invoice

Assuming you only post daily sales entries and your cash register is not interfaced to the PC somehow, I would think you would do an end of day on the cash register and balance the till. Then you would post a bank deposit to the various cash register sales departments shown on the end of day report. You would bank your takings and it will all work nicely as the deposit would show on your bank account to be reconciled. If you had other deposits, perhaps you bank these separately.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Cash sale without invoice

It'll be very good, if we can sell cash direct invoice and when place invoice somewhere to put tick mark without invoice smile

Re: Cash sale without invoice

lordas101 wrote:

It'll be very good, if we can sell cash direct invoice and when place invoice somewhere to put tick mark without invoice smile

Perhaps you could create a customer called "cash sales" and post each cash sale to this customer. At the end of the day, bank the proceeds of cash sales to this customer's account (the end of day customer balance  should then be NIL).

Brisbane, QLD, Australia